Community: There are many ways to be embodied together.

Below you’ll find PUPA’s three ways of being in community: Kaleidoscope, our Changes Group, . We also regularly host an Empathy Circle Focusing on a Topic.

Also listed below are the organizations that I am a part of. They are all great resources to learn about sensing what the body is communicating and finding the courage to challenge.

Kaleidoscope Focusing Community

A private Facebook group to connect, primarily to set up partnerships for Focusing and listening.

Changes Group & Empathy Cricles

Our Changes Group meets twice monthly. It is a drop-in peer-to-peer and free event to practice Focusing in groups of two or three or in larger empathy circles.

Empathy Circle Focusing on a Topic

Our Empathy Circles Focusing on a Topic, are an opportunity to do a Focusing exercise on the chosent topic (e.g. inner critic) and then participate in or witness two rounds of Focusing with optional empathic reflections afterwards. Breakout rooms follow.

Climate Psychology Alliance North America

Climate Psychology Alliance North America (CPA-NA) addresses the urgent psychological dimensions of the climate and ecological crisis and promotes cultural shifts toward human resilience, regeneration, and equity.


Climate Coaching Alliance

Members of the CCA are focused on: transforming our practice; transforming our impact; and transforming the profession. We participate in a positive shift in human awareness, to effect wider systemic changes in the world towards a truly regenerative future. We influence the global professional coaching community to bring in the deep and difficult questions of climate and ecological emergency into coaching conversations.


TIFI: The International Focusing Institute

The International Focusing Institute is an international, cross-cultural organization dedicated to supporting individuals and groups world-wide who are practicing, teaching and developing Focusing and its underlying philosophy. You can become a member there to access learnings from other Focusing teachers.


Polyvagal Institute is a not-for-profit dedicated to creating a new paradigm for health and wellness. They provide training, support community and facilitate research centered around a revolutionary understanding of the body and mind, as presented in the work of Stephen Porges and Polyvagal Theory. You can join a number of Groups at PVI, with topics such as trauma, education, yoga, parenting, nursing, and maternity. In the past, I helped Jan Winhall with her trauma and addiction group (now the Felt Sense Polyvagal Approach to Trauma Group) that hosts monthly Meet Up events.

Polyvagal Institute


Presencing Institute

The Presencing Institute was founded in 2006 by MIT Sloan School of Management Senior Lecturer Otto Scharmer and colleagues to create an action research platform at the intersection of science, consciousness, and profound social and organizational change. Over the past two decades, we have developed Theory U, incuding Social Presencing Theatre, as a change framework and set of methodologies that have been used by thousands of organizations and communities worldwide to address our most pressing global challenges: climate change, food systems, inequality and exclusion, finance, healthcare and education.

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FOB: Focusing on Borden

Focusing on Borden was Jan Winhall’s Focusing centre. At FOB we were dedicated to building a community where it was safe to explore embodied connections to deeper places within ourselves and each other. From this grounded place we acted to affect positive change in the global community. View the archived website.