Tap into your creativity:
it’s whispering to you in your body
Complex challenges require new solutions. Our bodies can help if we learn to listen to their guiding wisdom and intuitive knowing. Our bodies communicate to us:
the broader perspective of our right brains, ensuring a whole-brain approach
our gut feelings, that give us quick yes/no answers
our heart intelligence, that provides compassion and empathy
the capacity to cross ideas, and create something new. What William Duggan calls strategic intuition
insights that tap into something beyond us
Creative ideas begin in our body. We feel the insights coming, like when a word is on the tip of our tongue. This is called intuition by insight researchers. It’s also been called intimation by Graham Wallas.
To access our creativity on demand—and its catalyzing intuition—we have to be self-aware and deeply listen to ourselves. To allow ourselves to be embodied and to feel. When we follow our senses, we discover much more.
We often must also allow our process to carry forward, emerge and transform us along the way. By going from a caterpillar to a butterfly, via a vulnerable pupa. We can do this with the right tools, including a safe space. The practice of Focusing is a powerful way to access this embodied creativity. And transform into embodied leaders with resilient solutions.