What are you unknowingly doing to get love?
I’ve known for a while that when I was little, one of the reason’s I had such a drive to excel academically was to get love and attention. What I didn’t realize was that this belief—learning being a critical way to get love—was still running the show!
When we shouldn’t and should trust the body’s wisdom: Procrastination is helping you!
Most of the time our body wisdom is helpful. But sometimes it’s out of date. Learn how to tell the difference, including when to embrace procrastination, and when to use it as a sign that you’re ready to change something about yourself.
- Action
- Calm
- Clarity
- Climate change
- Climate crisis
- Compassion
- Confidence
- Connection
- Courage
- Creativity
- Crossing
- Curiosity
- Difference
- Felt sense body card
- Felt Sense Polyvagal Model
- Focusing & Listening Skills
- Focusing Attitude
- Grounding
- Habits
- Hurt child
- Listening
- Meditation
- Memory reconsolidation
- Nature
- Parts
- Positive memories
- Procrastination
- PUPA process
- Research
- Similarities